Is “YOUR truth” or “MY truth,” THE Truth? A Discussion About Postmodernism
Sunday, February 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM What IS Postmodernism…and why should you care. Postmodernism is blamed for the idea that there is no such thing as Truth. There is only ‘your truth’ or ‘my truth.’ Everything seems to be relative. What is true or acceptable is now based upon the identity of the person.…
Is DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) Education or Indoctrination?
Saturday, January 20, 2023 at 2:00 PM Happy New Year, y’all! For January’s meetup, WHICH WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 20/1 at 2pm INSTEAD OF OUR USUAL 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH AS A ONE-OFF, we will be welcoming back friend to the group, Barry Wall (aka The EDI Jester) …and if you have not…
3rd Annual CCC/Rob the American™ Christmas Party
Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM Hey y’all! Just like last year, instead of having our typical Cancelling Cancel Culture meetup in December, we decided to throw a Saturday night Christmas party instead (the serious stuff can wait until January). We have been giving out party invitations to those of you who have been…
Israel & Hamas: Thoughts from Jordan Peterson
Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 2:00 PM Hey y’all. As our original members will be aware, we began as a Jordan Peterson discussion group five years ago. While we changed our focus to cancel culture and how to resist it, we like to revisit our roots occasionally.So for November’s meetup, we will be looking at…
The Woke War On Art
Hey y’all! For October’s Meetup, we will be featuring guest speaker Dr Caroline Kaye. Dr Kaye holds an interdisciplinary PhD in Art History with Religious and Biblical studies. She also has graduate qualifications in Fine Art and Religions and Theology in addition to two MAs in Screen Studies and Religions and Theology. She is also…
What is a Man?
What is a Man? The straightforward (although some would argue, dated) definition of man is, “adult human male.” In this meetup we are going to be exploring what, if anything, it means to be a man. The term “masculinity” has historically been associated with being a man. The dictionary defines masculinity as, “a set of attributes, behaviours,…
Is “WOKE” a four letter word?
These days it feels as though you can’t get away from the word, “woke.” The English-speaking West seems to be living in an increasingly “woke” world but nobody, or at least very few people, are able to give a concise definition of what that word actually means. Some folks use the term “woke” as a…
Is “Anti-racism” the new Racism?
The issue of Race is possibly the most contentious topic there is today. Back in 1963, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, in his “I Have a Dream” speech, encouraged everyone to solely judge by the content of our fellow citizen’s character and not judge by skin colour. But in the last 20 years, his principles…
The “Trans-ing” of the West
The English-speaking West seems to be in the middle of “Trans-Mania,” as Gender Identity Ideology appears to have captured Education, the Media, Government, Pop Culture, Corporations, etc. …and to dare question the whole, “I can choose my identity and not only should you accept it, but you must celebrate it,” can get you cancelled. What or who is behind…